Promotion at the end of the year will be based on attendance, continuous Assessment in every subject, work done during the year and the overall conduct record. The periodic assessments held during the year are notified in the school calendar. Continuous assessments are meant to ensure regularity on the part of the student.
Unit Tests and class tests are important part of the continuous assessment for the progress of the student. The answer scripts of these tests, duly evaluated, are handed over to the student, to be taken home, signed by the parents. A student is expected to enter his marks in the relevant columns of Achievement Record in his school calendar. For students who are absent for any Assessment / Unit Test / Class Test, no provision can be made for supplementary tests.
Attendance for internal assessments & Projects are compulsory on the scheduled. No exceptions can be made in this regard. Defaulters may be awarded zero in that particular subject. Failure to appear at any assessment can seriously affect a student’s academic progress and promotion.
A student who fails to secure promotion may be asked to leave the school. A pupil failing in his class at the end of the year does not remain on the rolls unless the Parents/Guardians notify the Principal in advance that they wish their son/ward to continue his studies in the school..
Promotion is based on the whole year’s performance. Normally a student should pass in all subjects. He/she may be or may not be considered for promotion even if he/she fails in one of the subjects, will be varying class wise.
The reports must be collected by the Parents on the stipulated day. A defaulter may be penalized through a fine/and may not be allowed to attend the school until his report is collected. In all questions of promotion or failure the Principal’s decision is final.
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